Getting Started with BITS+ Matrimony

  • For Web users: In your browser, open link
    For Mobile App Users: Download BITS+ Matrimony app from App store (iOS) or Play Store (Android).
  • To Create a New Profile:
    Click on REGISTER button.
  • You will see REGISTER NEW PROFILE page.
    Please enter email Id and mobile number.
    One Time Password (OTP) will be mailed to your e-mail Id. You will need this OTP to complete profile registration
    NOTE: E-mail id and mobile number both must be unique in this app. You cannot use the same e-mail Id and / or mobile number to create another profile.
    Please enter information in all fields on this page. All fields are mandatory.
    Password is minimum eight and maximum 15 characters. Password must contain at least one upper case, one lower case, one special character (such as @, $, # etc) and at least one number (0 to 9).
    Please check the box before “ I have read and agree to the Terms and Privacy Policy.” And then click on “Register”.
  • After successful verification of OTP received in your e-mail, You will see a page for “Subscription Plans”. Select appropriate plan. If you have selected a paid plan, you can deposit the amount in the bank account indicated on next page. Please mail the payment information to We will activate the plan once we confirm the payment in our bank account.
  • Once your payment is successful, a request will go to Administrator to approve your registration. Once BITS reference information and payment are confirmed, Admin will approve registration. Once approved, you become an active participant on the portal.
  • Your profile page will now open with information you have entered earlier displayed. You can click on to edit information of that block, enter information and “SAVE CHANGES”.